<p>Since October is celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month globally, the Aga Khan Maternal and Child Care Centre, Hyderabad in collaboration with the Gastrointestinal Medicine and Surgery Service Line of the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi arranged a Breast Check-up Camp at its courtyard on Tuesday, 30 October. </p><div>This Camp was facilitated by six Expert Breast Surgeons from The Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi. Amongst the experts were Dr. Shaista Khan, Dr. Sabeen Maajid, Dr. Sana Zeeshan, Dr. Lubna Vohra, Dr. Sajida Qureshi and Dr. Ayesha. The camp was held for four hours, from 10 am to 1 pm, in which 182 patients got their breast examination done. In addition to the consultation a special offer of 25% off on breast ultrasounds were launched in this camp. This offer was also availed by many at the camp. </div><div>
</div><div>As we know, in Pakistan Breast Cancer is the leading cause of deaths in women. The Aga Khan University hospital is actively involved in raising awareness about this disease through various activities, this camp in Hyderabad was one of them. </div><div>
</div><div>The objective of this camp was to highlight the importance of breast examination and make this service available to people of Hyderabad and its nearby areas. The leading breast surgeons of the Aga Khan University Hospital extended their support and spared time to facilitate the patients at the camp. </div><div>
</div><div>At this camp a networking session was also arranged for the renowned doctors of Hyderabad. Amongst them were the Obstetricians, Gynaecologists, Radiologists and General Physicians. In addition, a quiz was conducted at the camp regarding breast cancer awareness in which audience excitingly participated and the where winners received customized gifts from the hospital. </div><div>
</div><div>“This is a great initiative taken by the Aga Khan Maternal and Child Care Centre, Hyderabad. It was very well organized and much needed service in Hyderabad,” said Rasheeda Khowja, a housewife residing in Hyderabad. “I would urge all the women in Hyderabad to come and visit these camps and avail such great opportunities.”</div><div>
</div><div>While talking to media, Dr. Shaista highlighted the importance of the early detection and accurate treatment of breast cancer. Her take home message for everyone was to “encourage all the women around you to kindly get their clinical breast examination done every year after the age of 35 and also get the screening mammogram done yearly after the age of 40”. </div><div>
</div><div>The Gastrointestinal Medicine and Surgery’s Service Line Chief Dr. Hasnain Zafar and Business Manager Dr. Huma also accompanied the doctors at the camp and they talked to media about their future endeavors regarding this service in Hyderabad. The Hospital’s administrator, Mr. Kashif Jassani, as well broke the news about launching the breast clinic and mammogram facility soon at the Aga Khan Maternal and Child Care Centre, Hyderabad. </div>