​Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)/Motor Neuron Disease (MND)​​​

​Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a group of rare motor neuron diseases, where the nerves in the brain and the spine progressively lose function due to destruction of the nerve cells that control muscle movement and voluntary muscle actions. This condition causes muscle weakness and as the disease progresses, the nerves controlling breathing and other vital body functions are affected, leading to eventual respiratory failure in most cases.

The cause for ALS has not yet been deduce​​d. However, it is believed that it may be inherited or linked to certain environmental factors, including disorganized immune response, chemical imbalance and incorrect processing of proteins by nerve cells in the body.

The risk of ALS increases with age and it is slightly more common in men than women. ALS greatly reduces a person’s life expectancy.


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