​Idiopathic Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder (that is, a disorder related to the brain) that causes recurrent seizures. Idiopathic epilepsy is a type of epileptic disorder, the cause of which is unknown. There is no apparent structural problem with the brain or a metabolic disorder. While other types of epilepsy may be caused by a brain tumour, stroke, or other neurological disorder, idiopathic epilepsy syndromes have no identifiable causes. In fact, most cases of idiopathic epilepsy are presumed to be due to a genetic cause, but in most cases the specific genetic defect is not known and a family history of epilepsy may or may not be present.

Recent research has indicated that idiopathic epilepsy is caused by abnormalities in the brain cells, but this research is still in its infancy. Idiopathic epilepsy is a fairly common type of epilepsy, constituting about one third of all epileptic cases. It affects people of all ages and both sexes. Most cases of idiopathic epilepsy start in childhood or adolescence, but some have an adult onset.


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