If your child has bacterial conjunctivitis:
This will clear out within two weeks. In case your child is very agitated, your doctor may give you medications, in the form of an ointment or eye drops, to speed up the process of recovery.
If your child has viral conjunctivitis:
There’s no specific treatment for viral conjunctivitis. Your doctor may prescribe medications to ease the itching and burning. When conjunctivitis is viral, it usually starts with one eye and then infects the other eye within three to four days. Many doctors suggest that the infection should be left along to flow its usual path as it usually clears up in two weeks.
If your child has allergic conjunctivitis:
Your doctor may prescribe eye drops that control allergic reaction or help prevent inflammation.
It is important that you complete the full course of medications with your child or the infection may return.
It is also important to wash your child’s hands frequently and to keep him away from school for 2 to 3 days in order to prevent spread of infection.