Long Stay Home CareOBs and Gynea (Postpartum and Post Operative Care) | On-Campus Attendant | Palliative Care | Geriatric Care | Patient with Trachoestomy Care | Patient with Portable Ventilators | Post Surgical Care | Stay with Bipap | Stay-in-Care to Neonates
Home Nursing Short Procedures
Administration of Intravenous (IV) Antibiotics | Administration of Subcutaneous (SC) Injections | Administration of Intramuscular (IM) Injections | Administration of Nebulizers | Bedsore Dressing | Chest Tube Dressing | Close Wound Dressing (Staple and Stitches) | COVID Sample Collection | Drain Management | Hickman Dressing | Hygiene Care | Initiation of Oxygen Therapy | Insertion of Nasogastric Tubes | Insertion of Urinary Catherization | IV Cannulation (Adult and Peads) | Minor Burn Dressing | Newborn Baby Care | Nasojjunal (NJ), Gastrostomy-Jejunostomy (GJ), Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) | OG Insertion | Open Surgical Wound Dressing | Oro/Nasopharyngeal Suctioning | Peg Tube Dressing | Porta Flush | Porta Needle Insertion | Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Line Care | Raflo Checking | Removal of Nasogastric Tubes | Removal of Urinary Catherization | Removal of 5FU Pump | Sample Collection (Blood/Urine) | Staple Removal | Stoma Care | Suture Removal | Tracheostomy Dressing | Total Parental Nutrition (TPN) | Vaccine Administration | Vacumm Signs | Vital Signs | Wound Consultation.
Home Physician Consultation
Initial visit | Follow-up visit
Home Physiotherapy
Chest Physiotherapy | Limb Physiotherapy | Orthopaedic and Neuro Rehabilitation | Pain Management | Parkinson's Rehabilitation | Paeds Rehabilitation | Stroke Rehabilitation
Medical Equipment
For Purchase:
Air Matresses | Bicap Machine | Bipap Mask | BP Apparatus | Cardia Monitor | Commode Chair | CPAP Machine | CPAP Mask | Dynamic Monitor | Electronic Bed | Feeding Pump | Infusion Pump | Manual Bed | Nebulizer | Oxygen Clynder | Oxygen Concentrator | Suction Machine | Ventilator | Walker | Walking Stick | Weight Machine | Wheel Chair
For Rent:
Bipap Machine | Cardiac Monitor | CPAP Machine | Electric Bed | Manual Bed | Oxygen Machine | Suction Machine Ventilator