Patient Welfare Programme ​

The Aga Khan University Hospital follows its four guiding principles for delivering healthcare services: Quality, Access, Relevance and Impact.  We state that, "Needy patients will be supported without any discrimination for their treatment at The Aga Khan University Hospital."

Keeping in line with this principle, The Aga Khan University Hospital endeavours to provide access to our health care services for needy patients who may not, on account of financial constraints, be able to afford our regular Hospital charges. Patients who receive financial support receive the same level of care as all other patients.

The Aga Khan University Hospital’s Patient Welfare Programme has been operating since its opening and financially assists needy patients, regardless of religion, gender, race, colour, creed or place of residence. Needy patients requiring hospital, clinic, diagnostic and laboratory services may apply. ​

In 2024​ alone​, the Aga Khan University Hospital, Pakistan, offered financial assistance worth Rs. 719 crores, to nearly 1.5 million patients across Pakistan.

To learn more about our Zakat and Sadaqat Progamme, click here​.
To understand how to ​​apply for welfare support, click here​.​​​
To donate, click here.