The Patients’ Behbud Society for The Aga Khan University Hospital​

The Patients’ Behbud Society (PBS) ​for The Aga Khan University Hospital is an independent, charitable society responsible for collecting and disbursing zakat, in order to help mustehiq patients receive world-class-quality healthcare at The Aga Khan University Hospital. 

PBS assists the most underprivileged members of society, without any discrimination or compromise on the quality of care. The PBS Board Members serve in a voluntary capacity to support this cause.

As a legal entity, the Patients' Behbud Society gets regularly audited and adheres to a meticulous process of identifying the most deserving patients who are eligible for Zakat according to the rules of Shariah. 

All Zakat donations are used for the sole treatment of the patients, with no amount allocated to administrative or other expenses.  All disbursement of Zakat funds is through a transparent process and audited accounts are publically available. This ensures that disbursements of Zakat funds are done in a manner that allows the donors to fulfil their religious responsibilities in the highest manner. 

Through this Zakat fund, men, women and children are provided primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare. PBS liaises directly with each service speciality, to ensure that the Hospital's cutting-edge research and technology are accessible to the most vulnerable patients, particularly those with life-threatening illnesses.

PBS-for-AKUH is run by volunteers and assists the most underprivileged members of society, without any discrimination or compromise on the quality of care. Our generous donors include individuals, corporates, and the PBS-for-AKUH committee members who voluntarily support these humanitarian efforts.​

Shariah Compliant

As a legal entity, the Patients' Behbud Society for AKUH is Shariah-compliant and gets audited by honorary external auditors. It adheres to a meticulous process of identifying the most deserving patients who are eligible for Zakat according to the rules of Shariah. One Hundred Percent (100%) of the Zak at, Sadaqat and donations received to the society are used for the treatment of the patients, with no amount allocated to administrative or other expenses. Shariah Certificate

Zakat Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to receive zakat, the recipient must be poor and/or needy. A poor person is someone whose property, in excess of his basic requirements, does not reach the nisab threshold as set under the Shariah.

Treatment support at AKUH

Through the Zakat, Sadaqat and donation funds collected, all mustehiq patients are provided primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare which includes but is not limited to consultations, diagnostics (labs, radiology and related tests), hospital admissions, counselling and other services. To apply for welfare support, click here.

Our Clinical Laboratories are offering 80% Zakat support on lab tests at over 100 labs across Pakistan from 11 March 2024 to 10 May 2024. Click here​ to find your nearest laboratory.

Donate to PBS

Every rupee of the Zakat and Sadaqat collected goes towards the treatment of mustehiq and indigent patients. All the disbursement is through a transparent process and audited accounts are publicly available. This ensures that disbursements of Zakat and other donation funds are done in a manner that allows the donors to fulfil their religious responsibilities with full confidence.

For any donation-related queries, email us at or call us at 0300 072 3000.