What to Expect After Your Surgery

  • After your surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room where you will be kept under the close observation of our doctors and nurses. If needed, you may be taken to one of our critical care areas to ensure that you receive any extra medical attention. The time you spend in the recovery room will depend on the type and length of your surgery. Your family will not be allowed to enter the recovery room.

  • You may experience some shivering as you wake up from a general anaesthetic. Your body's internal thermostat that keeps you warm is not working when you are anaesthetized, so your temperature can decrease. If you do awaken​ shivering, we will warm you in the recovery room with a warming blanket and you may receive medication to decrease the symptoms.

  • You may feel nausea (vomiting) after the surgery. 

  • When the doctors and nurses feel you are stable, you will be moved back to the ward or room.

  • You will likely have a surgical dressing that covers the incisions and stiches on your body where the surgeon has operated. 

  • You may feel some discomfort and pain. Our medical staff will do their best to help you manage any pain.​