<p>The Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) participated in a seminar on 'Quality Management, Accreditation and Ethical Challenges in Clinical Laboratories' at the 14th Health Asia International Pathology Conference in Expo Center in Lahore. </p><p>Health Asia is the largest ever health event in the history of Pakistan which provides enormous opportunities for learning, information sharing and cooperation, as well as match making to all the stakeholders in the health sector. The event features Exhibition and Conferences on the latest developments in health, medicine, laboratory technology, diagnostics, surgery, transplants, physiotherapy, patients' referrals and other relevant topics. </p><p>Dr. Farooq Ghani, Associate Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Aga Khan University, spoke about laboratory accreditation by the College of American Pathologists (CAP), which AKUH has. In January 2017, AKUH Clinical Laboratories was awarded CAP Accreditation. The AKUH <a href="/pakistan/medical-and-diagnostics/clinical-labs/Pages/default.aspx">Clinical Laboratories</a> are the only laboratories in Pakistan to have achieved <a href="/pakistan/AboutUs/Pages/world-class-quality-health-services.aspx">CAP accreditation</a>, verifying the Clinical Laboratories as a provider of World Class Quality Testing. </p><p>At the event, Dr. Farooq Ghani also spoke about the ethical challenges facing healthcare in Pakistan including doctors writing prescriptions for laboratory tests where they get a commission. As a leader in quality healthcare in the country, AKUH condemns such practices and takes strict measures to retain excellence in clinical laboratory management. </p><p>The panel of speakers from AKUH emphasized on quality laboratory testing as ultimately being cost effective for patients. With accuracy in test results, doctors are able to make better diagnosis and patients can avail better treatment. </p><p>Dr. Natasha Anwar, Staff Pathologist, AKUH then followed by highlighting the ethical challenges compromising quality of pathology labs. The guest speaking session then ended with Dr. Ajmal Khan Chief Operating Officer, Punjab Healthcare Commission giving a presentation on 'Challenges and Realties of Regulating Clinical Laboratories in Punjab'.</p><p>The event also included an insightful panel discussion, vote of thanks, shield and certificate distribution. The event proved fruitful for doctors, medical staff, corporations, and healthcare students to overcome obstacles, by having an in depth insight of various quality management, ethical practice and laboratory accreditation of highest standard. </p>