<p>On Sunday, 15 October 2017, The Aga Khan Maternal and Child Care Centre (AKMCCC), Hyderabad organised a Breast Cancer Awareness Talk, with a team of Breast Surgeons and Family Physicians to spread awareness about breast cancer. This talk was attended by approximately 200 members of the general public and supporters of the cause.</p><p>Our AKUH Breast Surgeon, <g class="gr_ gr_27 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation multiReplace" id="27" data-gr-id="27">Dr.</g> Sana Zeeshan, talked about early detection, treatment and diagnosis of breast cancer. She emphasized the importance of annual screening mammograms for women aged 40 years and over, which, she explained, is imperative in timely detection and treatment of this disease.</p><p>Speaking at the session, the Family Physicians' key message was that you must have breast screenings in order to catch <g class="gr_ gr_31 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Grammar only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="31" data-gr-id="31">the cancer</g> at an early stage for a higher chance of recovery. A lump found in the breast is not always cancer, and every lump is different. They also spoke about the risk factors, the high incidence of breast cancer in Pakistan, and shared several case studies and discussed the myths and facts about breast cancer.</p><p>During the session, there was a <g class="gr_ gr_23 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling multiReplace" id="23" data-gr-id="23">self breast</g> exam demonstration and a lucky draw where 5 gift vouchers were given to lucky audience members. A Rs. 100 breast examination clinic was also held after the session where women could avail a clinical breast examination.</p>