<p style="text-align: left;">On the occasion of The World Heart Month 2018, The Aga Khan Maternal and Child Care Centre, Hyderabad arranged a one-day heart camp in collaboration with Heart, Lungs and Vascular Service Line of The Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH), Karachi on Friday, 28 September 2018 at the courtyard of the hospital.</p><div>The objective of this camp was to provide high quality screening and consultation by our expert doctors for an affordable price to patients from Hyderabad and other parts of Sindh. Through these efforts, we were able to inform people about the availability of the comprehensive diagnostic services pertaining to heart diseases at our Hyderabad hospital.</div><div>
</div><div>The camp was facilitated by the team of expert consultants and surgeons from The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. At this camp consultations for heart, lungs and vascular problems were offered to adults as well as children for only Rs. 100.</div><div>
</div><div>In addition to the consultations, free assessments were also provided for height, weight, blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol to the patients at the camp. Moreover, up to 50% discounts were offered on Electrocardiogram (ECG), Echocardiogram (ECHO), Exercise Tolerance Test (ETT) and lab tests. </div><div>
</div><div>More than 500 patients received consultation at this camp. It was attended by patients from not only Hyderabad but from various other cities of Sindh including Sanghar, Thar and Badin.</div><div>Patient’s were pleased with the service. “I got all the necessary services at this camp and I am very much satisfied with it, more of such camps should be arranged in Hyderabad at greater level,” said Sajjad, 40. </div><div>
</div><div>The huge crowd at the camp demonstrated that it was a much-needed camp in Hyderabad and there is immense demand by the general public for such public health camps. Disease prevalence for heart and lungs issues is ever increasing and offering more of such healthcare services in Hyderabad can be life saving for countless people. </div><div>