<p>The recent uptick in COVID-19 and influenza cases has many of us concerned about potential outbreaks. Understanding these respiratory illnesses and knowing how to protect ourselves is crucial.</p><p><strong>What Are COVID-19 and Influenza?</strong></p><p>Both COVID-19 and influenza (the flu) are respiratory infections caused by different viruses. They can lead to symptoms like cough, fever, and fatigue. While many experience mild symptoms, these illnesses can become severe and even fatal, especially for high-risk groups such as:</p><ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><li>Older adults</li><li>Individuals with chronic health conditions</li><li>Pregnant women</li></ul><p><strong>How Do They Spread?</strong></p><p>These viruses primarily spread through:</p><ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><li><strong>Respiratory droplets</strong>: When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, tiny droplets can carry the virus to others nearby.</li><li><strong>Contaminated surfaces</strong>: Touching surfaces that have the virus on them and then touching your face can lead to infection.</li></ul><p>Being in crowded or poorly ventilated spaces increases the risk of transmission. It is also important to note that both viruses have the potential to cause pandemics. </p><p><strong>Vaccination: Your Best Defence</strong></p><p>Vaccines are available for both COVID-19 and influenza, each specifically designed for its respective virus. The flu vaccine is updated annually to match circulating strains and is typically administered in late September and October. Receiving both vaccines at the same time is safe and provides enhanced protection against severe respiratory illness.</p><p>While COVID-19 and influenza are distinct illnesses, both can lead to severe cases requiring supportive care, such as oxygen therapy. However, antivirals effective against one do not work for the other.</p><p><strong>Protective Measures to Adopt</strong></p><p>To reduce the risk of infection:</p><ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><li><strong>Stay updated on vaccinations</strong>: Ensure you're up to date with both COVID-19 and flu vaccines.</li><li><strong>Practice respiratory hygiene</strong>: Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of used tissues immediately.</li><li><strong>Clean your hands regularly</strong>: Wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap isn't available, use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.</li><li><strong>Wear masks in high-risk settings</strong>: Especially in crowded or indoor areas with poor ventilation.</li><li><strong>Seek medical care early</strong>: If you experience severe symptoms, consult a healthcare professional promptly to prevent complications.</li></ul><p>By staying informed and following these guidelines, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from these respiratory infections.
</p><p><strong><em>Author:</em></strong><em> </em><em><a href="/pakistan/patientservices/pages/profiles.aspx?ProfileID=259&Name=Nosheen%20Nasir&page=findadoctor">Dr Nosheen Nasir</a>, </em><em>Consultant <a href="/pakistan/Health-Services/department-of-medicine/infectious-disease/Pages/default.aspx">Infectious Diseases</a></em><em>, The Aga Khan University Hospital</em></p><p><strong>Note:</strong> The information in this article has also been published in <a href="https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/1277931-anti-viral-hygiene">The News International</a>.