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            The Aga Khan University Hospital Pakistan

World First Aid Day

<p><span style="text-align: justify;">First aid can be the difference between someone&#39;s life and death, and basic knowledge of first aid procedures can help you and your loved ones get through a medical crisis. First aid procedures are a series of actions </span><span style="text-align: justify;">aimed at stabilising a sick or injured individual until they receive initial treatment from a trained medical team. The importance of first aid is fundamental, be it in case of a minor wound or a cardiac arrest.</span>
</p><p><strong>Also read:</strong> <a href="/Pakistan/Health-Services/emergency-acute-care/Pages/when-should-you-come-to-emergency-services.aspx">When you should come to Emergency Services​</a>
</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Instances that require First Aid:</strong></p><ol><li><strong>Bleeding</strong>: Irrespective of its severity, all instances of bleeding must be controlled and monitored constantly. Possible first aid procedures to help in such cases include rinsing the wound with water (subject to the wound&#39;s condition), wrapping the wound with a cloth or a bandage, and applying pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding.</li><li><strong>Burns</strong>: Burns are one of the more common household injuries and immediate identification and necessary first aid procedure can limit its severity. First aid measures include cooling the burn with cool (but not icy) or lukewarm water for 20 minutes and keeping warm till the patient is brought to Emergency. </li><li><strong>CPR: </strong>In the case of a cardiac arrest, timing is crucial. An essential first aid procedure in such an instance is CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). Performing chest compressions and rescue breathing until medical officers arrive can be the difference between life and death.</li><li><strong>Choking</strong>: Windpipe hindrance is a primary cause of choking, and first aid procedures for choking vary depending on the severity. The most obvious first aid procedure in the case of adults involves performing the Heimlich Maneuver. </li><li><strong>Sprains</strong>: Primarily occurring in connective tissues or ligaments, sprains can be caused by sudden wrenching or twisting a joint. First aid procedures in such cases comprise limiting the activity that can worsen the injury, cold compresses over the injured area, compression and keeping the injured area elevated. Sporting activities and exercise should be limited as a precaution until complete medical diagnosis to determine the cause of the sprain.
</li></ol><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Be Prepared:</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;">Medical emergencies can arise at any given point in time. Ideally, only certified persons should provide immediate care in emergencies; however, it is essential to take care of the sick or injured patient if you safely can until professional help arrives. Therefore, every one of us must have basic first aid training, ensure timely problem recognition, and provide immediate care to patients until they can be given trained medical care.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">Another aspect of emergency preparedness includes regular maintenance of a first aid kit at home, familiarising yourself with its contents, and alerting the local medical services in your area in case of an emergency. It is also essential to be aware of policies at your workplace related to medical emergencies. </p><p style="text-align: justify;">To learn more about emergency care, go to <a href="/pakistan/Health-Services/department-of-emergency-medicine/Pages/default.aspx">Emergency Medicine</a>.  
</p><p><span style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Must Haves in your First Aid kit (courtesy of NHS):</strong></span>
</p><ul><li>Plasters in a variety of different sizes and shapes
</li><li>Small, medium, and large sterile gauze dressings</li><li>At least two sterile eye dressings</li><li>Triangular bandages</li><li>Crêpe rolled bandages</li><li>Safety pins</li><li>Disposable sterile gloves
</li><li>Tweezers</li><li>Scissors</li><li>Alcohol-free cleansing wipes</li><li>Sticky tape</li><li>Thermometer (preferably digital)</li><li>Skin rash creams, such as hydrocortisone or calendula</li><li>Cream or spray to relieve insect bites and stings</li><li>Antiseptic cream</li><li>Painkillers such as paracetamol (or infant paracetamol for children), aspirin (not to be given to children under 16), or ibuprofen</li><li>Antihistamine cream or tablets</li><li>Distilled water for cleaning wounds</li><li>Eyewash and eye bath
</li></ul><p>In case of an emergency, call our Emergency Department: 021-3486-1090.
</p><p><span lang="EN-US" style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Other Emergency Contacts in Karachi:</strong></span></p><p><strong>Chhipa Ambulance: </strong>1020 </p><p><strong>Edhi Ambulance: </strong>115
</p><p><strong>Police Helpline: </strong>15​
</p><p><strong>Rescue Service:</strong> 1122
© The Aga Khan University Hospital, Pakistan