
Concussion is an injury caused to the brain due to trauma. When your head or body suddenly jolts or jerks, the brain may either displace slightly or spin inside the skull, resulting in a concussion. This can be injurious to brain cells and the associated blood vessels.

Concussion often causes mild effects such as loss of consciousness, confusion and lack of neural coordination, which last for a few days or weeks, and in some cases they are not even recognizable. In more severe traumatic injuries, effects of concussion may also last for few years.

Some children may undergo post-concussion syndrome in which major symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and confusion may last longer than usual, weeks, months or even years. Exact cause of post-concussion syndrome has not been found yet. But theories suggest that this syndrome occurs due to damage to neuro-transmitter system or some physiological disorder caused by concussion.

Although concussion may occur in any stage of life, children and adolescents are more prone to it than adults because their mind and body are developing during these stages of life. Risk factors that have chances of leading to concussion include:

  • Road accidents

  • Sports activities such as football, basketball, soccer

  • Athletic activities in school/college

  • Bicycle riding

  • A dangerous fall

  • A previously occurred concussion​​


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The information provided on our website is for educational purposes and not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other healthcare professional provider.